The Jersey City NAACP Image Award Goes to Dr. Lena Edwards

Principal, James Brewer and Students at Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast

DLEACS' scholars were on hand to witness the honoring of the namesake to their school at a ceremonial breakfast to commemorate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Principal James Brewer, faculty members Valerie Slack and Patricia Wilbert celebrated the historic occasion with students as they observed the most historic occasion.

Dr. Lena Edwards, posthumously received the NAACP Image Award for her celebrated achievements as one of the first African American female doctors in the United States. Dr. Edwards was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and received fourteen (14) honorary degrees from a number of colleges.

The NAACP Image award is presented to an individual or group who has consistently excelled in their career and merit special recognition for outstanding achievement or contribution to their industry or community.


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